The round table stylized environment
General overview

General overview

Framed shot of what you would see if you walked in

Framed shot of what you would see if you walked in

overview from above

overview from above

Doors on the rocky side of the hall

Doors on the rocky side of the hall

Godrays made with a material that fades in and out based on distance to make it feel volumetric. Basically a 'fog card' material with some panners, one for the dust effect and another one on a 2nd UV channel that is 'squashed' down for light shaft effect.

Early blockout

Early blockout

Earlier version of the table that had some more stuff going on. I was unsure what to do with it and I wanted to break up the shape and bring interest to the vocal point, though I'd like to come up with something more interesting in the future.

Earlier version of the table that had some more stuff going on. I was unsure what to do with it and I wanted to break up the shape and bring interest to the vocal point, though I'd like to come up with something more interesting in the future.

Some sketches I did for the gate re-design, I used this as a starting point in Maya but soon realized I had to simplify the shapes quite a bit

Some sketches I did for the gate re-design, I used this as a starting point in Maya but soon realized I had to simplify the shapes quite a bit

The round table stylized environment

This started out as part of the King Arthur Artstation challenge. Around the end of the challenge it wasn't where I wanted it to be yet so I polished it after the final date as I did want to finish it. There are still quite a few things that I would like to change or add but I'd rather move on to something else for now, but I might come back to this one later.

This was based on a concept by Fernanders Sam. I started out by staying true to the concept a lot more in the beginning, but later on I strayed from it a bit more. I wanted to break the repetition a bit more and build the hall half into a mountainside, and try to incorporate the natural elements with the architecture a bit more. Apart from that I also changed the doors, the original design had very simple and abstract shapes which looked cool but it was hard to convey scale with them in 3D. I tried to stay true to the original design language.